Stephanie over at
Bike, Book, Bread did a post on how she and her husband came up with the names for their children. I think naming a baby is one of the hardest decisions to make.
I thought Stephanie's post was interesting and thought it would be fun if we all did a post on that topic.... or if you do not have children why your parents named you what they named you.
When I was pregnant I checked out a book from the library called
Beyond Jennifer and Jason.
There is a revised version out
Beyond Jennifer and Jason, Madison and Montana.By: Linda Rosenkrantz and Pamela Redmon Satran.

This book is a great read for expectant parents. The writers categorize names and also delve in to how names are perceived. They really make you think about names in a totally different light. They have chapters on what names are popular in different countries around the world, also names that were made popular by TV stars/shows/famous people. The classic names are discussed and whether you want a truly feminine or masculine name or an androgynous name.
I can't say enough good things about this book.
It's just not an alphabetical book of the top 100 baby names of the last century. It is much more.
Now, back to my girls and their names....
Paige Victoria is our oldest. We did not name either of our girls after family members. We just did not feel led in that direction. We both loved the name Paige and wanted to call her Paige. We love the beautiful name Victoria. So there you have it.
We made sure we named our girls with the first name that we would be calling them. Not make it their middle name. Buster and I both use our middle names and it is hard to always tell the nurse in the doctor's office that belts out your first name in a loud, booming voice ....
I'm sorry, I go by my middle name Joy." or Keith in my husband's case.
We also knew we wanted their first names to be short one or two syllables because our last name is kind of long and we didn't want them to spend all day in Kindergarten trying to figure out how to fit their entire name on the top of their paper.
Leah Grace is next. We literally went up to the last few weeks of my pregnancy deciding on her name. For the longest time we were going to name her Emma Grace. Big sister was convinced that should be her name. As much as we adored the name, we started having second thoughts about "Emma" so we began thinking about using Grace as the first name. Then we had to figure out a middle name... We also decided we liked the name Leah, but for some reason just never connected the two names until my mom said one day "Why don't you name her Leah Grace." Bingo! Leah Grace was her name-O. [
sorry, I just had to say it] I also like that Leah's name is a Biblical name.
So that is the story of how we came to name the two children we brought into this world.
How about you? What is your child's name and why did you decide on that particular name?
My inquiring mind wants to know....