It's September and I have to say it has been sweet so far. Our temperatures here in Texas are a little milder this week and boy are we loving it.
September is also Libby's anniversary of joining our family. Five years ago we found her at a rescue and brought her home.
A post or two back you saw Libby in dire need of a beauty shop appointment. Well, here she is sporting her less woolly look:

Instead of taking Libby to her the groomer, my friend Terry offered to help me groom her.
Well, she did most of the grooming and I watched and hopefully learned. She has a Schnauzer named Moochie and she grooms him. Libby looks great. Thanks Terry.
Now for the stitching part of the post:
Paige and Leah took a sewing class this summer. They made some cute things I wanted to share with you. I'm so proud of them. I wish they could continue their lessons with this teacher, but it will be hard with school to fit it in. Our favorite project was the pillow case they each made.
Here is Paige and some her projects.

Paige also made this cute little doggy:
A close up of her pillow case and stitching.

Leah made a pillow case too:
They also made scrunchies. Not sure if they will ever be used, but it was a good project to learn from.

Paige and I are adjusting to her new school schedule and absolutely loving it. I love having her home on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I'm suppose to be a co-teacher, but really they should call me a co-learner.
Women's Bible Study started back up today. I'm studying the Book of Romans at a Precepts Bible Study by Kay Arthur. I meet each week with a wonderful group of women. We learn so much together.