Last evening as I was putting the finishing touches on our home cooked supper, Buster was standing in the kitchen pouring himself a glass of Diet Pepsi.
He "sweetly" asked...
"You been bloggin all day?".
I promptly said "NO"
As he was lifting his glass to take the first swallow... I continued....
"I started a Facebook account today".
He proceeded to choke on the first swallow.
I know what he was thinking....
Don't worry Buster, I'll throw in a load now and then. I promise.
So what do you think about Facebook. Do you have an account?
Do you use it a lot? What do you like or not like about it?

I do have facebook, and have for years. I love that I can keep up with my college (and occasionally high school) friends on there, even though they're all far away.
that is funny.
Yes I have it and love to keep in touch with friends from home, because they all seem to be on it and only a few blog.
I don't use it very often and check it only a couple times a month, but it is due to time and not having enough of it. I think my friends who are behind the computer all day love talking to each other through it.
What gets me is Twitter. Everyone seems to have it, especially in the blog world. I just don't get it but feel like i might get sucked into it soon...
Don't have one. Blogging is all I feel like I can handle. Clean underware?!! You made me smile :o)
I have a facebook page too. It´s great. At first everyone thought I was crazy to have it, and I couldn´t find many of my friends, but after while more and more are joining. It´s not just for college kids anymore! I don´t "do" all the cutesy app´s that are available, but it´s great for keeping in touch with old and new friends and keeping up to date with their lives!
I searched for you, so I could add you, but there were two people with your name. Which one are you? The one in TX or the one with a baby profile pic?
If you want to be my friends on Facebook I'm Joy Clements Brasington in Texas.
I just saw that you signed up for Beth's scripture memorization & noticed your schnauzer. We have an all black one named Oskar who is the king of the house.
My 13 year old daughter was mortified when she found out I started a facebook account. She said "Mother that is for teenagers and stalkers."
OMG! That is soooo funny! I love Facebook. I connected with a high school friend after 20 years and we met up when I went home for Thanksgiving. As long as you cook dinner and have at least one pair of clean underware I's our time to do our thing!!!
I'm on Facebook. It's not something I really pursue, although I get a kick out of people's status updates. I don't go looking for friends. Blogging uses up enough of my time (Buster and Lee could bury the UGA/GT hatchet agreeing on this issue!), and I'm sure facebook would if I let it. I got into it because my brother and sister-in-law are overseas, and they use it to post a lot of their pictures and updates. I like that part.
I love facebook! It is the only other site that steals away my time every day :) (besides blogger, of course)
Just catching up finally!!! I have a facebook acct and I don't love it like blogging, but I have been blogging longer.
I've got a myspace! :) Do you? We could add each other! :)
I'm on facebook! I never know what to do with it though, I don't really spend a lot of time there!
I do have a facebook account! I love it now, but at first found it intimidating and overwhelming. I felt it lacked something compared to REAL blogging! lol Now with some design changes there, its easier to navigate. I finally learned I did NOT have to accept all the well meaning invitations! I have made some contacts with past friends and acquaintances which has made me very happy. Look me up sometime on there! Pam Rios
I have 2 Facebook accounts, one for the family and one for blogger friends but I have never really got into it. It seemed to take so long to load and there was so much nonesense on there but maybe I should look again. Maybe start over with a new account.
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